Message from our CEO
I am pleased to report that ANTAS International Transport delivered another year of strong performance. Given the headwinds and turbulence in the global economy, it certainly was a successful year for the Company. 2020 was challenging and being close to our customers and their businesses, we are well aware of the effects of COVID-19 and the lingering low oil price environment for various businesses. Still, the economy of the UAE continued to diversify and to grow year on year. ANTAS Intl Transport grew, too. In fact, we did more than grow. We continued to invest in enhancing the customer experience and in our Fleet. We continued to invest in our infrastructure as we re-engineer and upgrade our core transport system. We continued to invest in our people. Yes, profitability increased, net profit of AED 157 million for 2019 was 6.5% increase year on year. This was primarily on account of the tightening liquidity environment that has driven up our cost of funds and higher impairment allowances reflective of our prudent and disciplined approach to risk management. But in other leading indicators and measures that matter, we continued to perform exceptionally well. The factors driving ANTAS Intl Transport continued success are clear to see.